I’m Nicki!
Welcome to my blog
No shame, no judgment, only pleasure and connection!
The Village, a group on Facebook is 51 000...
Intimate questions mayday!
Intimate questions mayday!The Village's Intimate...
“ I have never had an orgasm. HELP!”
The Village, a group on Facebook is 51 000...
Got a question you can’t ASK just anyone? ASK NICKI!
The Village, a group on Facebook is 51 000...
Let’s talk about sex – taking the taboo out the bedroom
Let's talk about sex - taking the taboo out the...
New parents Stephanie & Hungani Ndlovu have opened up about intimacy after childbirth
‘I didn’t feel sexy or wanted to be touched’ -...
Want a happier healthier sex life?
Earlier on this month I was interviewed by...